Advent of Code - Day 8
Day 8, I slept in a bit, so I didn't have time to write an article. I'll do that later.
Spoilers ahead of the challenges of Day 8
If you plan on doing the challenges, I would advise you to not read any further. The solutions are posted below, and I will explain how I solved them. After doing the challenges, you can come back and read this article to see how I solved them.
Code snippet
I will post the code snippet for the challenges of Day 8. I will explain how I solved them later.
"Time is an illusion. Santa is a time traveler. He's been to the future, and he knows how it ends. He's trying to prevent it from happening. That's why he's bringing you presents."
— Artificial Intelligence Santa
namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
class TreeGridSolver extends Command
protected $signature = 'day:8-1';
protected $description = 'Tree Grid Solver';
private int $gridWidth = 0;
private int $gridHeight = 0;
/** @var array<int, array<int, int> $grid */
private array $grid = [];
public function handle()
$this->grid = collect(explode("\n", Storage::get('input-8.txt')))
->map(function ($row) {
$treesInRow = str_split($row);
if ($this->gridWidth < count($treesInRow)) {
$this->gridWidth = count($treesInRow);
return collect($treesInRow)->map(fn($tree) => (int)$tree)->toArray();
$this->gridHeight = $this->grid->count();
$visibilityGrid = [];
for ($x = 0; $x < $this->gridWidth; $x++) {
for ($y = 0; $y < $this->gridHeight; $y++) {
$visibilityGrid[$y][$x] = $this->getVisibility($x, $y);
$totalVisibleTrees = collect($visibilityGrid)->sum(fn($row) => collect($row)->sum());
$this->line('The total amount of visible trees is: ' . $totalVisibleTrees);
$scenicScoreGrid = [];
for ($x = 0; $x < $this->gridWidth; $x++) {
for ($y = 0; $y < $this->gridHeight; $y++) {
$scenicScoreGrid[$y . '-' . $x] = $this->getScenicScore($x, $y);
$this->line('The highest scenic score is: ' . collect($scenicScoreGrid)->max());
private function getVisibility(int $x, int $y): int
if ($x === 0 || $y === 0 || $x === $this->gridWidth - 1 || $y === $this->gridHeight - 1) {
return 1;
$highestTreeToTheNorth = $this->getHighestTreeInDirection('north', $x, $y);
$highestTreeToTheSouth = $this->getHighestTreeInDirection('south', $x, $y);
$highestTreeToTheWest = $this->getHighestTreeInDirection('west', $x, $y);
$highestTreeToTheEast = $this->getHighestTreeInDirection('east', $x, $y);
$treeHeight = $this->grid[$y][$x];
if (
$treeHeight > $highestTreeToTheNorth ||
$treeHeight > $highestTreeToTheSouth ||
$treeHeight > $highestTreeToTheWest ||
$treeHeight > $highestTreeToTheEast
) {
return 1;
return 0;
private function getHighestTreeInDirection(string $direction, int $x, int $y): int
switch ($direction) {
case 'north':
return $this->findHighestTree([$x], range(0, $y - 1));
case 'south':
return $this->findHighestTree([$x], range($y + 1, $this->gridHeight - 1));
case 'west':
return $this->findHighestTree(range(0, $x - 1), [$y]);
case 'east':
return $this->findHighestTree(range($x + 1, $this->gridWidth - 1), [$y]);
private function findHighestTree(array $xRange, array $yRange)
$highestTree = 0;
foreach ($xRange as $x) {
foreach ($yRange as $y) {
if ($this->grid[$y][$x] > $highestTree) {
$highestTree = $this->grid[$y][$x];
return $highestTree;
private function getScenicScore(int $x, int $y)
$northScore = $this->getScenicScoreInDirection('north', $x, $y);
$southScore = $this->getScenicScoreInDirection('south', $x, $y);
$westScore = $this->getScenicScoreInDirection('west', $x, $y);
$eastScore = $this->getScenicScoreInDirection('east', $x, $y);
return $northScore * $southScore * $westScore * $eastScore;
private function getScenicScoreInDirection(string $direction, int $x, int $y)
switch ($direction) {
case 'north':
if ($y === 0) {
return 0;
$treesToCheck = $this->getTreesInDirection('north', $x, $y);
case 'south':
if ($y === $this->gridHeight - 1) {
return 0;
$treesToCheck = $this->getTreesInDirection('south', $x, $y);
case 'west':
if ($x === 0) {
return 0;
$treesToCheck = $this->getTreesInDirection('west', $x, $y);
case 'east':
if ($x === $this->gridWidth - 1) {
return 0;
$treesToCheck = $this->getTreesInDirection('east', $x, $y);
$visibleTrees = 0;
$currentTreeHeight = $this->grid[$y][$x];
foreach ($treesToCheck as $tree) {
if ($tree >= $currentTreeHeight) {
return $visibleTrees;
private function getTreesInDirection(string $direction, int $x, int $y)
switch ($direction) {
case 'north':
return collect(range($y - 1, 0))->map(fn($y) => $this->grid[$y][$x])->toArray();
case 'south':
return collect(range($y + 1, $this->gridHeight - 1))->map(fn($y) => $this->grid[$y][$x])->toArray();
case 'west':
return collect(range($x - 1, 0))->map(fn($x) => $this->grid[$y][$x])->toArray();
case 'east':
return collect(range($x + 1, $this->gridWidth - 1))->map(fn($x) => $this->grid[$y][$x])->toArray();