Advent of Code - Day 5


Day 5, another day, another puzzle. Today, I don’t have much to say, so let’s get right into it.

Spoilers ahead of the challenges of Day 5

If you plan on doing the challenges, I would advise you to not read any further. The solutions are posted below, and I will explain how I solved them. After doing the challenges, you can come back and read this article to see how I solved them.

The assignment

This time we have to program a CraneMover9000. The CraneMover9000 is a machine that can move one crate at the time. The machine has a list of instructions that it can execute.

"The instructions specify a series of actions and how they apply to the available crates. They always end with the instruction that starts the crane. The crane can move left or right, grab a crate, or release a crate. The crane always starts in the leftmost position at the start of the instructions. The crane moves left or right one position at a time, then takes an action and repeats this process until the instructions are finished."
— Artificial Intelligence Santa

Our sample data is as follows:

[N] [C]
[Z] [M] [P]
 1   2   3

move 1 from 2 to 1
move 3 from 1 to 3
move 2 from 2 to 1
move 1 from 1 to 2

The question is quite simple, given the instructions, what are the top crates in the end?

Let’s solve this puzzle!

This time I started by creating a class. I called it the CrateOrganizer and it accepts the puzzle input as a parameter. While setting up the class, we convert the input into two arrays, one for the instructions and one for the stacks of crates.

class CrateOrganizer
    private array $stacks = [];
    private array $instructions = [];

    public function __construct(
        string $input,
    ) {
        [$stacksInput, $instructionsInput] = explode("\n\n", $input);



The convertInputToStacks method is quite simple, we just split the input on newlines and then split the lines on every 4 characters. We then replace the crate indicators and spaces, and add them to the stacks array. Next we sort the array by key, so the stacks are in the correct order.

private function convertInputToStacks(string $stacksInput): void
  $rows = collect(explode("\n", $stacksInput));
  $rows = $rows->map(fn($items) => str_split($items, 4));

  foreach ($rows as $row) {
    foreach ($row as $key => $item) {
      if (str_starts_with($item, '[')) {
        $this->stacks[$key + 1][] = trim($item, '[] ');


The convertInputToInstructions method is a bit more complex. We split the input on newlines, and then remove the empty line at the end of our file. Next we loop over the instructions and split them on spaces. Then we map the instruction to an associative array.

private function convertInputToInstructions(string $instructionsInput): void
  $this->instructions = collect(explode("\n", $instructionsInput))
    ->filter(fn($line) => $line !== '')
    ->map(fn($instruction) => explode(' ', $instruction))
    ->map(fn($instruction) => [
      'amount' => (int)$instruction[1],
      'from' => (int)$instruction[3],
      'to' => (int)$instruction[5],

Solving part 1

The first part of the puzzle is quite simple, we just have to execute the instructions. We start by looping over the instructions and then we loop over the amount of crates we have to move. We then take the first crate from the stack and put it in the other stack.

foreach ($this->instructions as $instruction) {
  $this->moveOne($instruction['amount'], $instruction['from'], $instruction['to']);

private function moveOne(int $amount, int $from, int $to): void
  for ($i = 0; $i < $amount; $i++) {
    $item = array_shift($this->stacks[$from]);
    array_unshift($this->stacks[$to], $item);

Solving part 2

Oh no! It’s not the CraneMover9000, it’s the CraneMover9001! The CraneMover9001 is a bit more advanced than the CraneMover9000. It can move multiple crates at the same time, so the output is all wrong! Let’s fix that.

private function moveStacks(int $amount, int $from, int $to)
  $stacks = array_splice($this->stacks[$from], 0, $amount);
  $this->stacks[$from] = array_values($this->stacks[$from]);

  $this->stacks[$to] = array_merge($stacks, $this->stacks[$to]);

Quite a simple fix, we just splice the stacks and then merge them together. And of course, we need to get the top crates of each stack, as it is the answer to the puzzle.

private function getTopCrates(): void
  $result = '';

  foreach($this->stacks as $stack) {
      $result .= $stack[0];

  echo 'Result: ' . $result;


That’s it for today, I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter @falko100.