Advent of Code - Day 4


Day 4, I’m a bit later than previous days. Date night last night, so I woke up a bit later. We went to the local Irish pub, and ordered our usual drinks. As always, Evelyn got the Kasteel Rouge, and I got the Guinness. So we had to switch ’em around. I ordered the Kasteel Rouge, and she ordered the Guinness. It’s starting to become a bit of a tradition. I wonder why this assumption is made.

Afterwards we went to the smallest theater of Enschede and enjoyed Irish Folk music. I actually sang Finnegan’s Wake, partially. It was far from perfect, but it was fun.

Spoilers ahead of the challenges of Day 4

If you plan on doing the challenges, I would advise you to not read any further. The solutions are posted below, and I will explain how I solved them. After doing the challenges, you can come back and read this article to see how I solved them.

The assignment

"Elves are lazy, and they need to clean the camp. We are going to help them out by writing a script to clean up the data."
— Artificial Intelligence Santa

Our sample data is as follows:


Within the first pair of Elves, the first Elf was assigned sections 2-4 (sections 2, 3, and 4), while the second Elf was assigned sections 6-8 (sections 6, 7, 8).
Advent of Code - Day 4

Let’s solve this puzzle!

We need to find full overlaps in the above sections. The first overlap in the list is 7 on line 3. The next overlap is 3-7 on line 4. This list is just the sample data, but the real data is much larger.

// Let’s get ourself a nice array of regions
$regions = collect(explode("\n", Storage::get('input-4.txt')))
  ->filter(fn($line) => $line !== '')
  ->map(function ($line) {
    // Split the regions into two sections
    $sections = explode(',', $line);

    // Make a range for each section, so we have 1,2,3,4 instead of 1-4
    foreach ($sections as $key => &$section) {
      $range = explode('-', $sections[$key]);
      $sections[$key] = range($range[0], $range[1]);

    // While we're at it, let's find all the overlapping area's.
    $sections['overlap'] = collect($sections[0])

    return $sections;

Now we have all the data we need to solve the challenge. The first question is counting all sections where every area is overlapping.

$fullyOverlappedRegions = $regions->filter(function ($region) {
  return count($region['overlap']) === count($region[0])
    || count($region['overlap']) === count($region[1]);

echo 'Fully overlapped regions: ' . $fullyOverlappedRegions->count();

The second question is counting all sections where at least one area is overlapping.

$partiallyOverlappedRegions = $regions->filter(function ($region) {
  return count($region['overlap']) > 0;

echo 'Partially overlapped regions: ' . $partiallyOverlappedRegions->count();


This was an easy one. Maybe because I’m a bit more awake. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter @falko100. See you tomorrow for Day 5!